Young Shaggy
Young Shaggy exploration poses and expressions for an early version of
SCOOB. #scoobydoo #scoob #characterdesigner #hannabarbera #characteranimator
The Art of Frozen 2
I thought The Art of Frozen 2 would have been lean on character design
since the first movie had already solidified the look of the main
characters an...
New Kali Kazoo Album On Kickstarter!A rare occurrence! Thought I should share my current kickstarter campaign
to make a professionally produced third album! Going to work with producer
Toshi ...
February/March Girl Redux
Well hello there! Again!
Much like last year, I find myself in the predicament of having some 2017
Calendars left over past the New Year - and by some I...
December artGot a few drawings to post; some sketches, some old ones I finally
finished, and a couple of new bits. Blaaaarg!
Good Girl
The Snake Clan
Next year Marvel will be launching a new series focusing on the
fan-favorite character of America Chavez, written by YA novelist Gabby
Rivera and drawn ...
Jimmy Knocknee Banshee Hunter Painted
Jimmy Knocknee Banshee Hunter limited edition resin will be ready for
release in the next few days. Its 6 inches tall and cast in solid resin
with full ...
Odd Bods!This blog has been long neglected but to those who have asked me about the
Odd Bods playing cards they have new been reprinted and are on sale at Art
of Pl...
Infinity Mickey and gangMickey is such a hard character to get right. Even the smallest mistakes
can make him look wrong, so adding our own stylistic twist was a challenge.
My mind is definitely wandering about tonight. So here is some MODOK
before I go catch a bit of shut eye. Hope you dig it.
March is for MODOK,
Burn Me Happy
Hello everyone on my desolate and barren blog. I am writing to let you all
know that this will be the last post I make on this blog. Who cares, you
The Loud House tumblr
My boyfriend "C" would always tell me how great it was working for Chris
Savino, and how talented he is. I now feel so fortunate to work for Chris
on h...
'Twas the wife before Christmas...
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all thro' the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
Earmouse and BottleI'm finally able to share the Nickelodeon short I made last year. It's
called Earmouse and Bottle, check it out below.
You can also check out some of the ...
Something Familiar
I wanted to do this idea for a New Yorker cover for years and never got
around to it until now. As it happens, my "Hip Hops" piec...
Hi There ! It's been a while... ;-)
I'm selling some of my fan arts.
If you are interested, have a look here
uni the unicorn Today is a very important day. Today, Uni the Unicorn comes out!
I know I've mentioned this before, but one the big bummers of working in
publishing is t...
Working the Engels!
As luck would have it, my very next post following Angle Man is a
superheroine I designed for the new comedy show Working the Engels!
I was asked by tale...
Batman......But not a man, so perhaps Batbat is a better name. Anyway, his real name
is Mystacina Robusta, or the New Zealand Greater Short-Tailed Bat. They're
MG Sculpt.Wow, a year and a half since the last update... Guess becoming a dad didn't
I meant to keep that blog up-to-date but all the recent work I've been
Pet portrait felties!
Lately I've been doing portraits of people's pets. Here are the most recent
ones of two inseparable sisters named Zelda and Dot. More photos to come!
Greetings severely neglected blog. How have you been?
So, this is a painting I finished on the weekend of Usagi Yojimbo. It is
9x12 and it was painted wi...
A lot of things happened.....There is so much that has happened in the past few months. I moved to LA,
and I am now working on a new show called Clarence for Cartoon Network! I
love it...
i wanted a fresh start with my personal work, and felt a new page
was the way to do it.
you can find my new work and all the latest updates a...
Sketchbook by Oscar Martin
Beautiful book, chock full of amazing finished and preliminary drawings as
well as never before seen roughs from one of the ...
Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, and Strip Search Yeesh, I'm seriously terrible about updating this blog. Lately I've just
had a lot to do, which means not much time for drawing personal stuff.
The Art of Fun
This will be my final post on this blog. Thank you Mosscovered Blog
followers and fans for all the love and support! 5 years ago I started this
Commissions Open AGAIN!
So what we got here...
$15 for pencil sketches
$20 for inked sketches
I will draw…
-fictional existing characters from movies, shows, cartoons, video g...
~Art Show Build Up~*Dusts off blog*
I've been away but doing awesome things. Here's a few art shows I've
recently been in!
"Godzilla Vs."
This is my entry for *Q Pop's Tokus...
ACTUALIZANDOAl fin tengo un poco de tiempo para subir algo de material de este ultimo
tiempo, durante la semana subiré mas trabajos, así que quédense por estos
lados. ...
San Diego Comic Con!
Hey buddies,
Exciting news... It's been 2 years, but I'll finally be back at San Diego
Comic-Con next week and I'll have a very few limited copies of a pr...
Let's be honest here, I have always been HORRIFIC at posting! Sometimes, I
wouldn't post for like, 8 months. HOWEVER, I have finally absolutely
mastered th...
I have moved !( UPDATE )
i won't be posting here please update your bookmarks, links to
I am also on TWITTER . you can follow me here
Tanks of Fury iphone app reviewHey check out the great review of the game app me and Mark Greenbalm
designed here at Boblab!
LIBERTY for NIKEI was recently contacted by NIKE MEXICO to create a poster for them. They
were promoting the new LIBERTY OF LONDON Nike line. They explained that
they had ...
Moved to TUMBLR!!Hi guys, I'm moving this entire operation over to Tumblr. I added a Disqus
plugin so people over here will be able to comment should they feel like
it! I'l...
ArchAndroidsI was fortunate enough to meet Janelle Monae and her crew during her SF
tour with Bruno Mars. Here is some art work that their performance inspired:
New Blog AddressHey friends! I've finally resigned to the fact that "mr-representational"
is really hard to spell and/or remember, so for consistency I'm moving this
blog ...
Alright, fine.Yes, I know. It's been almost a year and a half since my last post. why?
I'm lazy.
REAL lazy.
If I were as good at art as I am at avoiding work, I wouldn't ...
DWA artshow
These were done for the "Out of Character" art show on the DreamWorks
Animation campus. It's personal artwork by DWA Character Designers. Should
be some...
Moved to Tumblr